Student Wellness
To anonymously report a threat to student safety:
Safe Schools Helpline:
Call: 1-800-4-1-VOICE (1-800-418-6423) ext. 359
Text: 66746, TIPS
Children and Family Services: (216) 696-KIDS
In the event of a mental health emergency:
If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call 911 immediately.
24 Hour Crisis Support Hotline/Support Hotline: (216) 623-6888
Suicide Prevention
If you are in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts: National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273 TALK (8255)
If you’re uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can also text: NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line. Click here for more information.
Preventing Youth Suicide
Preventing Suicide: Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams
Store it Safe: Suicide Prevention: Keeping children safe from unintentional firearm deaths and teens safe from suicide by firearms.
The Creative Coping Toolkit: Simple activities that gamify talking about our feelings.
Assistance with Food
The Cleveland Food Bank has delivery partners. In order to have your name added to the list, call (216) 738-2067.
Yuletide Program/Adopt a Family Program: CLICK HERE to send an email request.
St. Michael Food Pantry: Call 216-524-1394
Resources from Windsor Laurelwood
Click here for "In times of us first" flyer.
Mental Health Awareness Month
Click here for resources from Beech Brook that include 70 videos, tip sheets and stories to help families deal with the stress of these trying times.
Student Counselors
Brooke Gradert, Primary School
216-624-5870 ext. 1402
Natalie Hanna, Middle School
216-624-5865 ext. 1305
Kyle Kovach, High School
216-624-5860 ext. 1206
Connie Aquilano, High School
216-624-5860 ext. 1207
School counselors are available as ongoing resources. Frequent check-ins are available and encouraged. Please note that Independence Local Schools' mental health support staff do not maintain 24-hour access to email accounts.